Goalgiving an online platform which revolves around sports. Users are given the opportunity to make donations based on the outcome of a sports event and It also allows people to create fundraising campaigns based on the sport of their choice. Their aim is to be the first charity platform to raise £1million in the UK and they believe they can achieve that with sport as it is a very engaging and lucrative industry.
The Goalgiving product is the first of its kind in the UK with similar products existing in the US. The challenge the brand has is they are perceived as a gambling platform which has created resistance with sporting organisations and brands they wish to work with.
The goal for the redesign is to cater to more grassroots and individual campaigns making it more attractive when working with prominent brands. The objectives to this goal includes:
I started the research phase by looking into some data Goalgiving done previously to establish what has been done before. In the past, they were aiming at mostly sports fans. For my research, I broadened my search to people interested in fundraising as I saw there is an opportunity for potential users of the site.
I initially created a general questionnaire to determine which individuals are sports fans and are open to donating to charity. I later conducted a series of 1:1 interviews and cognitive walkthroughs to assess the current user journey of the Goal Giving site. The interviews were to determine which are the main points to look for and take into consideration when redesigning the platform.
From the data collected from the user interviews and affinity maps. I was able to identify 2 potential personas who could use Goalgiving. These personas include:
With the personas identified, I mapped out what their potential user journeys would be within Goalgiving through various methods of data visualization.